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ZS 離心振動篩
★ZS/ FS系列離心振動篩 用途概述:General of
※ ZS/FS 型系列分層篩適應于流水作業,是粗小顆粒比例不等過篩連續出料的理想設備。
※ZS/FS Centrifugal Vibration Separated Layer Sieve is suitable for flow operation and is an ideal equipment for granule in which the size proportion is not equal to filter and discharge material.
★ZS 離心振動篩技術參數:Technical Data
型號 type | ZS-350 | ZS-515 | ZS-650 | ZS-800 | ZS-1000 | ZS-12000 |
生產能力 capacity(Kg/h) | 40-500 | 60-600 | 80-800 | 150-1200 | 300-2000 | 350-2800 |
過篩目數 Meshes(mesh) | 12-200 | 12-200 | 12-200 | 12-200` | 5-325 | 5-350 |
電機功率 power (Kw) | 0.55 | 0.75 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 1.5 | 2.2 |
主軸轉速 speed( rpm) | 1380 | 1370 | 1370 | 1500 | 1500 | 1500 |
外型尺寸 overall dimensions(mm) | 540 × 540 × 1060 | 710 × 710 × 1290 | 880 × 880 × 1350 | 900 × 900 × 1400 | 1100 × 1100 × 1200 | 1600 × 1600 × 1200 |
凈重 weight( kg) | 100 | 180 | 250 | 300 | 350 | 400 |
★FS方形振動篩 技術參數:
型號規格 | 功率kw | 篩面傾角 | 電壓V | 篩面層數 | 過篩目數目 | 外形尺寸mm | 重量kg | 產量 kg/h |
FS0.6*1.5 | 0.4 | 0°~45°可調 | 380 | 1-4 | 6-120 | 1500*700*700 | 550 | 150-1500 |
FS0.6*2.0 | 0.4 | 0°~45°可調 | 380 | 1-4 | 6-120 | 2100*750*780 | 650 | 160-2000 |
所有參數僅作參考 , 視物料情況 , 本公司擁有變更權利 , 并不另行通知 .
*All datas are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right change but not notice, pardon!
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